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A teacher in the making
 Standard Member

Last Visit: Within last 3 months
Member Since: January 26, 2024

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spritteacher's Information:
Gender:   Woman
Birthdate:   January 14, 1996
(28 years old)
Lives in:   Austin, Texas, United States
Body Type:   Slim/Petite
Race:   Black
Speaks:   English
Marital Status:   Single

28 year old Woman in Austin, Texas, United States Looking For: Men or Women

Profile for spritteacher
I am a open minded leader. I crave not attention but attempts of perfection. I am a people lover. Never meet anyone that I did not like. Seeking more than services rendered. What would you do on an ideal date?:
All of the above would be great!

What qualities do you look for in the people you date?:

What words best describe your personality?:

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