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Hi there!!!
 Standard Member

Last Visit: More than 3 months
Member Since: May 27, 2003

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PRINCESSBRAT20's Information:
Gender:   Woman
Birthdate:   January 11, 1984
(40 years old)
Lives in:   Alvin, Texas, United States
Height:   5 ft 7 in / 170-172 cm
Body Type:   A little extra padding
Smoking:   I'm a non-smoker
Drinking:   I'm a light/social drinker
Race:   Caucasian
Speaks:   English
Education:   High school graduate
Occupation:   Student
Interests:   , Surfing the Internet, Computer Games, Video Games, , Healthy Living, Cooking/Baking, , Reading, , , , Arts, , Collectibles, , , , ,
Religion:   Catholic
Have Children:   No
Want Children:   Maybe

40 year old Woman in Alvin, Texas, United States Looking For: Men

Profile for PRINCESSBRAT20
Hi I am Bridget. I love to hang out and chill with my friends. I am a open-minded girl.

My Ideal Person
I am looking for a nice guy to just cuddle with and watch DVD's with. Prefer tall guys for I am about 5' 7".

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